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Winning Powerball Ticket Sold At South Carolina Gas Station

Lizzie Pereira |
September 19, 2013 | 12:57 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Photo courtesy of Twitter. @WRDW
Photo courtesy of Twitter. @WRDW
A winning Powerball ticket estimated at $400 million was sold on Wednesday afternoon at a South Carolina gas station, lottery officials said. 

The winner has yet to come forward and claim his or her prize, which is sure to be life changing, Paul Harper Bethea, executive director of the South Carolina Educational Lottery, said at a press conference outside the gas station. 

The winning numbers, drawn late Wednesday, were: 7, 10, 22, 32, 35, and Powerball 19. The ticket was sold at a Murphy Express gas station in Lexington, S.C.

Bethea said she hopes that the winner is from the state. “I can’t tell you what it feels like to know someone has been that fortunate and that lucky,” she said.

According to the Powerball website, the odds of guessing all six numbers and the Powerball are about 1 in 175 million. 

Wednesday’s drawing marks the fifth-largest prize of any U.S. lottery. The winner will have two choices: claim $223 million in cash upfront or receive the full prize paid over 29 years. 

“This is a life-changing event. There are a lot of zeros in this money,” Bethea said. 

The Powerball lottery is played in 43 states, Washington D.C., and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Ticket prices doubled from $1 to $2 in January 2012, which has prompted larger prizes.  

The winner has 180 days to claim his or her prize. 

Reach Executive Producer Lizzie Pereira here



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