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What To Wear While Tailgating

Kendall Robertson |
September 16, 2013 | 4:10 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter


It’s 9am, and the clock is ticking.  Only three hours until the 12pm kick-off, and you know that at least one of those will be dedicated to putting on your face.

You hop out of bed to get ready, eager to seize the day and kick the flagpole, when you run into your first obstacle: your closet.

If you, my friend, struggled to find the perfect Game Day outfit this weekend, you are not alone. Every game day, girs stand in front of their mirror, switching between the white crop top and red SC tank top several times before deciding: no, the outfit is just not quite right.

Because of the enormity of this struggle, Neon Tommy set about our game-day shenanigans with a goal in mind- finding inspiration in the form of fashion.  Camera in hand, we searched out some girls (and boys) who got it right this weekend. Here, we share their wisdom.

(Kendall Robertson)
(Kendall Robertson)



The Song Girl

Let’s face it.  When it comes to Game Day, there is nothing like putting on that white skirt and wreaking havoc. Though white bottoms may unnerve some of the sloppier game-day-goers, it’s actually difficult not to look cute in a skater skirt.

For those who are uncomfortable with the idea of a white skirt touching the ancient coliseum seats, there is always option #2.

(Kendall Robertson)
(Kendall Robertson)


The Spirit Squad

Cardinal and gold is always a solid choice, and this skirt is not only adorable, but also comes with gold underwear to boot (don’t ask me, ask the USC Bookstore).  

Classic and fun, it’s an easy piece to put with any red, black, white or gold top.


(Kendall Robertson)
(Kendall Robertson)

Go Bold or Go Home

Sometimes when you get dressed for Game Day, you say: This is IT. That is what Neon Tommy thought when we saw student Danielle Price in this gloriously red ensemble. This lovely look screams Trojan pride with a colorful, and flowery, flair. 

However, if Game Day comes around and you are feeling a little less girly, there is always the timeless Trojan look that has stopped UCLA fans in their tracks for years (heart-shaped sunglasses optional).



(Kendall Robertson)
(Kendall Robertson)


The Athelete

Though we can never be sure about how the game will turn out these days, one thing is for sure, and that is that jerseys will never go out of style.  There is something about repping your team’s jersey that will always look good.

(Kendall Robertson)
(Kendall Robertson)


Simply fight on

You’ve done it all: the skirts, the jerseys, the amazingly coordinated cardinal and gold ensembles.  Sometimes you just have to go for something that is cute and easy: simply, fight on.

Student Ellie Lewis did a wonderful job of making cheering for our team look comfortable, stylish and fun. High-waisted shorts and a Trojan t-shirt?  It doesn’t get any better.

(Kendall Robertson)
(Kendall Robertson)


The Trojan Knight

If you haven’t covered yourself from head-to-toe in body paint yet, you probably aren’t a real fan. 

Get on it, and #FightOnForever. 

Staff Reporter, Kendall Robertson karobert@usc.edu



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