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U.N. Report Confirms Chemical Weapons Use In Syria

Rachel Scott |
September 16, 2013 | 10:28 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Ake Sellstrom hands the report to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon / UN News Centre
Ake Sellstrom hands the report to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon / UN News Centre
The United Nations released a report Monday that confirmed the use of chemical weapons in Syria. The report stated that rockets filled with sarin gas were used in an attack in Syria on Aug. 21.

“The United Nations Mission has now confirmed unequivocally and objectively, that chemical weapons have been used in Syria,” said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.

Ki-Moon described the attack as a “war crime” and stated, “the international community has a responsibility to hold the perpetrators accountable and to ensure that chemical weapons never re-emerge as an instrument of warfare.”

However, the 38-page report failed to mention who was responsible for the attack and the use of the deadly gas.  The Syrian rebels and the Assad regime have blamed one another for the use of the chemical weapons.

The White House has pointed the finger at the Assad regime, saying that the Syrian government has killed 1,400 people. The United States and Russia reached an agreement this weekend that would avoid military action against the Syrian regime.

SEE ALSO: U.S. And Russia Reach Agreement On Syrian Chemical Weapons

Read full United Nations report here.

Read more at NBC.

Reach Executive Producer Rachel Scott here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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