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Syrian Opposition Elects New Prime Minister

Eric Parra |
September 14, 2013 | 2:21 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Syria is growing more wore torn with hopes of a new leader to give it a better light (wikimedia/creative commons)
Syria is growing more wore torn with hopes of a new leader to give it a better light (wikimedia/creative commons)
Hours after the U.S. and Russia came to an agreement over Chemical weapons, the Syrian opposition decided on electing a new leader to take control.

READ MORE: U.S. And Russia Reach Agreement On Syrian Chemical Weapons

Ahmad Tumeh is a moderate Islamist that was elected to be the provisional prime minister of the Syrian National Coalition to try and win over other countries support in their cause.

Tumeh’s responsibility is to restore order to areas once led by President Bashar al-Assad and give the people a chance to look at the future. By taking control of what was considered to be taken advantage of by Assad, Tumeh should be able to gain a better reputation in the eyes of the public. 

Tumeh received 75 votes out of 97 total cast in a coalition ballot in Istanbul.

Read the full story here


Reach Executive Producer Eric Parra here.



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