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The Post Credits Podcast: 'Short Term 12'

Michael Chasin |
September 3, 2013 | 1:45 p.m. PDT


Meet us halfway, won't you?
Meet us halfway, won't you?
This week, Ty, Michael, and Cameron step away from the blockbusters to review one of the most buzzed-about indie releases of the year, "Short Term 12."

How skilled does Destin Cretton prove himself with his feature length debut? Do Brie Larson and the rest of the cast inhabit their characters as completely as the story requires? And what's the best way to be totally earnest without feeling overwrought?

Answers to all these questions and more on this underprivileged episode of the Post Credits Podcast.

For more Post Credits goodness, check out all our back episodes here, like us on Facebook, rate, review, and subscribe on iTunes, and email postcredits@gmail.com or else we'll have to drop you a level.

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