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NY Rave Canceled After Two Deaths Due To Ecstasy

Syuzanna Petrosyan |
September 2, 2013 | 11:31 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Electric Zoo rave (Creative Commons)
Electric Zoo rave (Creative Commons)
On Sunday afternoon, two attendees of a large rave in New York City died, apparently due to Ecstasy overdose. Four other people became critically ill and were hospitalized, according to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg's office. 

The last day of the Electric Zoo rave has been canceled at the recommendation of the city. 

A Los Angeles Times investigation in February, analyzing 64 concerts, found that at least 14 people who attended raves produced by Insomniac Inc. and Go Ventures Inc. since 2006 died from overdose or in other drug-related incidents. Most of the deaths were linked to Ecstasy. 

Raves by Insomniac have not returned to Dallas after 2011, when two people died of drug overdose. Cow Palace in the San Francisco area also banned raves in 2010 when two people died of Ecstasy overdose at a concert produced by Bay Area-based Skills DJ Workshop. 

The Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum banned raves at the stadium in the wake of The Times' investigation.

Insomniac has since moved its Electric Daisy Carnival rave to Las Vegas. 

Read more about the incident at The New York Times.


Reach Executive Producer Syuzanna Petrosyan hereFollow her on Twitter.   



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