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Museum Of Jurassic Technology: A Showcase Of Quirkiness

Arash Zandi |
September 25, 2013 | 9:06 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Once you go through the lone barred door, you know you've traveled into another world. You're greeted with hushed lighting, no A/C, and a stuffy ambiance. But this should not deter you from enjoying the most "random" exhibits this side of Weirdville. The Museum of Jurassic Technology, founded in 1988 by David Hildebrand Wilson, is a mishmash of various exhibits that will definitely make you go "Hmmm". There are more than 30 permanent exhibits on display at this Culver City destination.

An interesting exhibit of note is the Delani/Sonnabend Halls. The fates of the ill-fated opera singer Madalena Delani and a theoretician of memory, Geoffery Sonnabend, are intertwined at a waterfall site. It's all well and good once you realize that both people never existed and the entire exhibition is one big piece of ironic art.

The decomposing dice of magician Ricky Jay on display at the museum (Wikimedia Commons)
The decomposing dice of magician Ricky Jay on display at the museum (Wikimedia Commons)
However, there are some exhibits that are legitimate, such as the hall dedicated to German Jesuit scholar Athanasius Kircher, or the very, VERY miniature sculptures of Hagop Sandaldjian including those of Goofy, Pope John Paul II and Napoleon. A really beautiful exhibit shows the micromosaics of Harold "Henry" Dalton made from butterfly wing scales.

Feel like you need to unwind afer seeing all these mind-boggling exhibits? No problem! There is a quaint little tea house on the second floor that has black tea you can sip on and biscuits to munch on, free of charge. You also have the option of doing so in the adjacent garden, complete with a fountain and birds!

If you're into stuff that's out there and out of the ordinary, or if you just want to see things you've never seen before, head on over to the museum. For people who don't own a car, the museum is a convenient 10 minute walk from the Culver City metro station. The museum is open Thursday-Sunday.

This is one museum visit you won't soon forget.

Reach Arash Zandi here. Follow him on Twitter here.



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