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Montana Teacher Rapist Not Allowed Resentence

Eric Parra |
September 7, 2013 | 2:26 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Judge Baugh (Daily Beast/Getty
Judge Baugh (Daily Beast/Getty
After a Montana teacher was convicted for raping one of their students, the situation has gotten more and more complex, from the sentence being issued incorrectly to almost nothing at all, and now not being allowed to get a reissued sentence.

Stacey Rambold, 54, and Billings high school teacher, was convicted for raping a 14-year old girl that went on to commit suicide in 2010 while the  case was still pending.

The judge of the case, G. Todd Baugh, ruled that the victim was "older than her chronological age," and implied that she was also a suspect in the case as a whole. He eventually sentenced Rambold to 15 years in prison but suspended all but 31 days of the sentence, with a credit for a single day served in jail. 

This in turn, led to an outcry of injustice, seeing as the state requires a minimum of a two year sentence, and Baugh completely ignored that rule on top of his already controversial comments regarding who was to blame.

"That [sentencing controversy] could have been avoided altogether if I had been more alert or if the state had pointed out to the court the correct mandatory minimum," Baugh said in a recording of the proceedings posted by the Billings Gazette.

Read the full story here.


Reach Executive Producer Eric Parra here.



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