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Linkedin For Law Enforcement?

Danielle Tarasiuk |
September 2, 2013 | 9:32 p.m. PDT


(Creative Commons/ Flickr)
(Creative Commons/ Flickr)
Blueline, a social networking website for law enforcement, is in its final stages of completion.

Created by former Los Angeles Police Chief, Bill Barton, Blueline hopes to create a platform where officers can share their insight, experience, and of course network. Blueline will have popular social networking features like instant messaging and videoconferencing. 

"This is a big void that needed to be filled," Bratton said. "Our intent is to have officers locate their counterparts and closely interact with each other on a number of topics such as gangs and counterterrorism as well as share their best practices and strategies."

Barton is also credited with creating an interactive crime-mapping system used in New York, Los Angeles, and other cities across the U.S. 

Read the full story here. 


Email Danielle Tarasiuk here. 



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