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Here Come The Beatles

Tanya Mardirossian |
September 14, 2013 | 8:20 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter


Who’s your favorite? John, Paul, George or Ringo? No, that’s not in the order of who’s the greatest.

The Beatles is a band whose music will continue to live on far after all its members are gone.

Keeping them all alive, BBC is releasing a CD and vinyl collection of The Beatles. These are recordings from 1963 to 1964 when the band was continuously recording at the BBC studio.

The recordings include conversations that take fans through the process of song making and performances. This is a unique collection, with popular hits written by the Lennon-McCartney duo. The band also performs songs by their inspirational artists and bands.
The songs are remixed and re-mastered, making old hits sound like new masterpieces.

The performances allow fans to hear a relaxed side of the band having more of a “jam session” feel rather than a formal performance. The collection also has recording sessions that sound like they are giving a live performance through your record/CD player.

Similarly, BBC released a Beatles album, “Live at the BBC” in 1994, which was a worldwide success in chart ratings. With such a success, there is no doubt that this new release will too be popular.

The re-mastered collection will be available to purchase in November.

For those who want more of The Beatles, there are more options. The Beatles Rock Band, released in 2009, carries a great variety of music from the beginning stages of the band’s work to its later psychedelic works. The game also has conversations between and during  recording sessions. The Beatles "Love" show in Las Vegas consists of all the hit songs remixed by producer George Martin. 

Reach Staff Reporter Tanya Mardirossian here.



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