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Healthy Options For Late-Night Cravings

Gabi Duncan |
September 18, 2013 | 10:59 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Popcorn is loaded with fiber and antioxidants (Flickr).
Popcorn is loaded with fiber and antioxidants (Flickr).
It can be tempting to reach for that bag of potato chips or slice of pizza when you're studying late into the night and need some fuel. However, choosing the wrong kinds of snacks, especially at 11 p.m., can negatively impact your health. When you overeat the wrong things before bedtime, your body is more likely to store the calories as fat, resulting in weight gain. Bedtime snacks should be low in calories and high in protein. Don't worry, you can still eat late at night, but you just have to be smart about it. Here is a list of some tasty late-night options that you can munch on without feeling guilty in the morning:


It's one of the most popular late night choices, and it's good for you, too! Just make sure you skip the butter and salt. You can get creative and add your own seasoning, such as red chili pepper or cinnamon. It's even healthier if you buy the kernels and pop them yourself on the stove. It takes more effort, but it tastes better and more natural than the store-bought bags.

Greek Yogurt

This snack packs lots of protein, which is good for the brain. Add flavor by throwing in some strawberries or blueberries, which are loaded with lots of beneficial vitamins and antioxidants.

Cheese Quesadilla

This is great for lovers of Mexican food. The recipe is delicious, low in calories, and simple to make. Just put some grated cheese between a corn tortilla and grill in a skillet or a George Foreman. Try a low-fat cheese, like Swiss.

Dark Chocolate

If you have a late-night sweet tooth, dark chocolate is a great way to curb those cravings. It has less sugar than milk chocolate and is higher in antioxidants.

Whole-Grain Crackers

This one may not seem too appealing at first. But, you can spice it up with some hummus, peanut butter, cheese, or tuna. It's yummy, and it will fill you up quickly.

These choices are perfect bedtime snacks and won't add inches to the waistline. Remember to stay away from high-calorie monsters, such as soda and greasy fast food, late at night. The extra sugar and fat will sit in your stomach while you sleep, and you will inevitably feel lethargic in the morning.

Reach Staff Reporter Gabi Duncan here. Follow her on Twitter.   



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