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Emmys 2013: ‘Modern Family’ Wins Outstanding Comedy Series

Jillian Morabito |
September 22, 2013 | 8:29 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Celebration after the win (via @DannyZucker)
Celebration after the win (via @DannyZucker)
It’s another victory for “Modern Family.” This is the fourth “Outstanding Comedy Series” Emmy for the show, meaning it has won every year since it’s debut. This is an amazing feat for the show, whose actors were largely ignored tonight. 

The series has been nominated for 45 Emmys since its premiere in 2009. 

In the acceptance speech, the “Modern Family” team said that they have “the deepest respect to for our co-nominees” and that winning the award is “surreal experience because none of us grew up feeling like winners.”

Fellow nominees were “30 Rock,” “The Big Bang Theory,” “Louie,” “Modern Family,” and “Veep.”

Remember to check out Neon Tommy's full coverage of the 2013 Emmys here.

Reach Staff Reporter Jillian Morabito here



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