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Emmys 2013: 7 Best Dressed Men

Annie Lloyd |
September 22, 2013 | 6:38 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Red carpet coverage often follows the same narrative: which women looked the best. But what about the men? Style is an equal opportunity employer. The men don't have quite as flashy or colorful get-ups as the women, but that does not mean they don't look great. Here are our seven picks for the best dressed men of this afternoon.


Paul (Twitpic)
Paul (Twitpic)

Aaron Paul

The difference between Aaron-Paul-As-Jesse-Pinkman and Aaron-Paul-As-Red-Carpet-Stud never ceases to amaze. Instead of his usual hoodies and baggy jeans, he opted for a suave, deep, single-buttoned blue suit and contrasting black lapel with rounded bowtie. With his hair slicked to the side, Paul looks nothing like his on-screen counterpart (in the best way possible). The best part of his ensemble is his beautiful wife standing next to him. Their love makes them perpetually best-dressed.

McDermott (Twitpic)
McDermott (Twitpic)

Dylan McDermott

Look at that scruff! Dylan McDermott glowed this afternoon on the red carpet. His simple black suit fit impeccably, and his classic thin black tie served as the perfect complement. His black and gold watch added some classy spunk to the outfit—just enough personality to make everyone fall in love. Let’s just say he looked so good no one will mistake him for Dermot Mulroney tonight.

Norris (Twitpic)
Norris (Twitpic)

Dean Norris

There’s something about those 'Breaking Bad' men. Dean Norris looked very much alive on the red carpet. He wore a sleek black suit that allowed just the right amount of shirtsleeve to peek through. His thin tie was wrapped underneath a very stylish collar—subtle but effective. Despite the obvious lack of purple, Marie Schrader would most certainly approve.

Patinkin (Twitpic)
Patinkin (Twitpic)


Mandy Patinkin

Mandy Patinkin and Mandy Patinkin's beard: two of the best actors on 'Homeland'. Also, two of the best-dressed men on the 2013 Emmys red carpet. Patinkin accented his beautiful tux with a peek-a-boo purple pocket square. His glasses gave him the appropriate level of respectual mentor. We must cherish that Mandy Patinkin smile- come September 29, his smile will turn into a perpetually-stressed grimace.

Kevin Spacey (Twitter)
Kevin Spacey (Twitter)

Kevin Spacey

This afternoon, Kevin Spacey brought his A-game. Following the great trend of dark blue, Spacey incorporated his own twist. From his pleated bowtie, to his watch, to his upside down American flag pin, every piece of his ensemble has stylish satire. Spacey is one of the major film stars who has recently made the move to TV, and so far he's proving that this, as well as his outfit, has been a good decision.

Gould (Twitpic)
Gould (Twitpic)

Nolan Gould

Only Luke Dunphy himself could rock a red cast underneath that suit. Hopefully the 'Modern Family' writers will incorporate his injury into some plotline this upcoming season. Combined with his almost-hipster haircut and black-and-white bowtie, Nolan Gould can do no wrong.

Pace (Twitpic)
Pace (Twitpic)

Jackson Pace

In other child-star fashion, Jackson Pace looked better than a lot of the full-fledged television stars. He probably was trying to compensate for his lackluster character on 'Homeland', but, whatever the reason, it worked. His light purple bowtie differentiated his black suit on the red carpet, and his sleek hair made him look much older than 14.




Contact Staff Reporter Annie Lloyd here. Follow Staff Reporter Annie Lloyd on Twitter here.



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