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Emmys 2013: The Best Acceptance Speeches In The Past Decade

Michelle Man |
September 19, 2013 | 5:01 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

1. Sarah Jessica Parker (2004)

Who can ever forget "Sex and the City?" Sarah Jessica Parker gave a heartfelt speech on winning the Emmy in the show's final season.

2. Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Steven Carell (2006)

The best part about this was that there was no acceptance speech except for a few excited fan-girl giggles and hugs and hugs among the three...and none of them were the recipient of the award.

3. Sally Field (2007)

Sally Field's Emmy acceptance speech was censored by Fox when she made an anti-war comment in the end, saying, "If mothers ruled the world, there would be no god**** war in the first place." This led to a lot of controversy as Fox muted the last six words of her speech.

4. The Lonely Island (2007, Creative Arts Emmys)

This was one of the most unexpected Emmy wins - even the Lonely Island members were a bit surprised. Their speech is hilarious. Kudos to them saying "Sorry Mom" on live TV.

5. Tina Fey (2008)

She said, "I want to thank my parents for somehow raising me to have confidence that is disproportionate with my looks and abilities. Well done, that is what all parents should do!" This quote says it all - it's witty, it's heartwarming, and it's why we love Tina Fey.

Remember to check out Neon Tommy's full coverage of the 2013 Emmys here.

Reach Staff Reporter Michelle Man here.



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