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Celebrities Vs. Paparazzi Flashback

Emily Thornburg |
September 27, 2013 | 12:43 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Kanye West (thetempotandrum/Tumblr)
Kanye West (thetempotandrum/Tumblr)
The buzz surrounding the physical fight between Kanye West and a paparazzo, Daniel Ramos, on July 19 at LAX has us all remembering some of the most legendary celebrity vs. paparazzi altercations.


Woody Harrelson

This one goes down in the books simply because it's unbelievable that such a funny actor could get so physically aggressive. Although this physical altercation happened all the way back in 2006 it will always be one to remember. In the ring is Woody Harrelson vs. TMZ paparazzo Josh Levine at the Hollywood nightclub, Element. Harrelson was leaving the nightclub and asked Levine to stop taking pictures, but he continued snapping away. Harrelson then said again, "I've asked you to stop, are you going to stop?" Levine replied, "Not when you ask me like that." Harrelson then grabbed Levine's camera, broke it, then proceeded to grab Levine's neck and strangle him. Now that is a celebrity that means business.

Britney Spears

Whenever paparazzi fights are brought up, this one pops up in the minds of most because who could forget those outragous photos. Britney Spears used an umbrella and silver SUV to unleash her anger. After Spears repeatedly tried getting her estranged husband Kevin Federline's attention by banging on his door with no success, the paparazzi showed up. Spears then turned her attention to the photographers and started to yell at them while using her weapon of choice, a green umbrella, to try and hit them. The big moment where all these photos stem from is when she proceeded to attack a silver SUV with her umbrella. Paparazzi used that moment to capture Spear's facial expression and plaster it everywhere. It's safe to say the paparazzi won this battle.                                                         

Sean Penn

Some will say that Sean Penn is the master paparazzi attacker, and for good reason. Penn vs. paparazzo took place in 1986 and is how Penn got his famous nickname. Penn was shooting "Shanghai Surprise" in China and was heading back to his hotel room when he got a surprise of his own. A paparazzo was waiting for him in his hotel bedroom, and for Penn, that was the last straw. Staying true to his nickname, Penn taught the photographer a lesson by dangling him by his ankles from the ninth-floor balcony. 

Justin Bieber

This celebrity may not look like much of a threat physically, but what he does have is a fighting

Justin Bieber tries to lash out at paparazzo (buzzfeedceleb/Tumblr gif)
Justin Bieber tries to lash out at paparazzo (buzzfeedceleb/Tumblr gif)
vocabulary.Back in March, a photographer claimed that Justin Bieber assaulted him. Apparently Bieber was leaving his hotel in London when he made slight physical contact with a photographer. The man started yelling and that's when Bieber got his fight on... verbally. "What the f**k did you say?" Bieber screamed these words at the photographer and then turned physical, well, or at least tried to. "I'll f***king beat the f**k out of you!" All that Bieber got out was the words though, because when he tried attacking the photographer, his posse "held him back." Looks like Justin has a bit of a potty mouth and fighting spirit. 

Kristen Stewart

This celebrity took a different approach and got more of an uppity attitude when paparazzi tried to interfere with her. Twilight star, Kristen Stewart, let her words convey her anger when a paparazzo wouldn't leave her alone. Stewart tried to get the photographer to leave her alone by calling him, " a piece of sh*t." Then she really took it to the next level when she said, " You don't deserve to breath the same air as I do." Then hit him where it hurts calling him a " f**k face." Kristen may be a butt kicking vampire on the big screen, but she didn't show any of those skills during this altercation from her protection behind a gate in an alleyway.

There will surely be more celebrity vs. paparazzi fights to laugh and gawk at, but we can relive the moments from the most famous ones while we wait impatiently. As for West's altercation, he's not getting off so easy. The paparazzo is filing a civil suit against West and he's due back in court in October. 

Reach Staff Reporter Emily Thornburg here.



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