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Behind The Scenes At 'Halloween Horror Nights'

Christina Savan |
September 22, 2013 | 5:16 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter



Ozzy Osbourne (Black Sabbath), Melissa McBride (“The Walking Dead”) and Bruce Campbell (“Burn Notice”) were just a few of the celebrities who came out Friday night to celebrate Universal Studios' highly anticipated “Halloween Horror Nights”. With Halloween nearly a month away, the theme park kicked-off their opening night with the 2013 Eyegore Awards which gave homage to the entertainment industry's top horror genre stars.

The big horror winner of the night was the television series “The Walking Dead.” McBride, who was in attendance, accepted the demo-shaped trophy on behalf of her costars. The AMC show is also an Emmy Award-winning TV series and has received a Golden Globe nomination. 

Melissa McBride (Credit - Charlie Magovern/Neon Tommy)
Melissa McBride (Credit - Charlie Magovern/Neon Tommy)










Check out our video to see who else made it out to the fight night and to catch a sneak peak into the park’s new Terror Tram: Invaded by The Walking Dead ride!


"Halloween Horror Nights": MAZES

"The Walking Dead: No Safe Haven"



"Evil Dead: Book of the Dead"



"Insidious: Into the Further"



"Black Sabbath: 2013"



"El Cucuy: The Boogeyman" Narrated by Danny Trejo










Reach Staff Reporter Christina Savan here. Like Staff Reporter Christina's Facebook page.



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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