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Mugabe Wins Zimbabwe Election

Jacqueline Jackson |
August 3, 2013 | 12:26 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Zimbabwe election officials said Saturday that President Robert Mugabe won the presidential election with 61% of the vote, compared to 34% for Morgan Tsvangirai.

Mugabe's ZANU-PF party won 158 of the 210 parliament seats giving it two-thrids of the majority in legislature which could lead to them exercising their ability to make amendments to the new constitution.

Challenger Tsvangirai rejected the election decision alleging that mass voting fraud caused the result and a new fresh election must be conducted.

Tsvangirai has requested that people stay calm during this time and not become violent even though he has reported that violent tactics were used against his party in the election. This is Mugabe's 7th presidency and there is no word on if a re-election will be held.

Watch Video of the Election Response


Reach Executive Producer Jacqueline Jackson here. Follow her here.



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