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Immigration Reform: Opinions From Congressional Districts

Contributors |
August 2, 2013 | 3:08 p.m. PDT

(2013 Map of U.S. Congressional Districts/Wikimedia)
(2013 Map of U.S. Congressional Districts/Wikimedia)

This project is part of USC's summer journalism workshop for high school students.

The public thought that the immigration reform bill was going to be passed by the House this summer after it glided through the Senate last month, but now the Republican-led House of Representatives is on a five-week recess, and the public is going to have to continue waiting for comprehensive immigration reform.

The summer recess ends September 9th and sources say that the chances of having the immigration reform bill passed this year are slim, but possible.

As a team of high school journalists from across the world, we decided to look at different districts in America and how they view the proposed immigration reform. Many districts see it as one of the main problems that communities are facing, while others say issues like the economy, cross walk safety, education and texting while driving are more important

We called hundreds of businesses to get their opinion on immigration in their community and asked how they feel their district representative was handling the issue. We then took the search a step further and talked to our city council members and mayors to get their opinion on the matter.

Finally, we tried to get in touch with our congressmen to get a few quotes.

Here are our stories:

California Congressional Districts:

S.F. Bay Area's Mixed Opinion On Immigration

Silicone Valley Split On Immigration Reform

CA's 27th District Says Lack Of City Services Higher Priority Than Immigration Reform

L.A. County's Mixed Feelings On New Immigration Reform

Los Angeles Leaders Seek Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Inglewood Supports Immigration Reform 

O.C. Residents Oppose Amnesty For Undocumented Immigrants

San Diego Residents Hesitant About Proposed Immigration Reform

Florida's Congressional Districts:

South Florida Immigrants Against Reform

South Florida Residents Divided Over Immigration Reform

Kentucky's 3rd Congressional District

Louisville To Gain From Gang Of Seven

Nevada's 4th Congressional District

Nevada Congressman Horsford Wants Pathway To Citizenship

New York 1st Congressional District

Many Long Islanders Need Immigration Reform

Washington's 8th Congressional District

Washington Says State Problems Take Precedent Over Immigration

Pennsylvania's 8th Congressional District

PA's 8th District Unaffected By Immigration, But Opinionated About Proposed Reform



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