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San Diego Will Sue Mayor Bob Filner

Lauren Madow |
July 30, 2013 | 4:04 p.m. PDT

Deputy Editor

Mayor of San Diego Bob Filner during his swearing-in (Courtesy Port of San Diego)
Mayor of San Diego Bob Filner during his swearing-in (Courtesy Port of San Diego)
In a unanimous vote, all nine of San Diego's City Council members decided to sue Mayor Bob Filner for the cost of legal fees he incurred in the recent sexual harassment suit filed against him by his former press secretary, Irene McCormack Jackson. 

Filner had requested that the city cover his expenses for the private attorney he hired to defend him.

Since July 22, when Jackson's attorney Gloria Allred filed suit on her behalf, seven other woman have come forward with allegations of harassment by Filner.

Despite calls for his resignation, even from his own supporters, Filner has refused to resign his post as Mayor. Instead, he will undergo intensive therapy for two weeks, beginning on August 5. 

Jackson alleged that Filner asked her to come to work without underwear on, told her that he wanted to see her naked, demanded that she kiss him, and held her in a headlock. The other women who have alleged harassment by Filner also reported "touching and forcible kisses," according KPCC.

Filner has apologized for his behavior, stating that "my failure to respect women and the intimidating contact I engage in at times is inexcusable," reported Global Post. "It has undermined what I have spent my whole life doing and working on, fighting for equality and justice for all people."

Despite the apology, Filner maintains that he did not harass anyone.

For a plain-spoken analysis of "The Politics of Bob Filner's Personality," published last summer during the San Diego mayoral election campaign, see the Voice of San Diego.

Read more about Filner's legal troubles at the Los Angeles Times.


Reach Deputy Editor Lauren Madow here. Follow her here.



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