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Anthony Weiner's Campaign Manager Resigns

Eric Parra |
July 28, 2013 | 9:49 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Anthony Weiner resigned from congress after his sex scandals, but continues to pursue them alongside his career in politics (creative commons)
Anthony Weiner resigned from congress after his sex scandals, but continues to pursue them alongside his career in politics (creative commons)
Despite numerous setbacks in succession, Anthony Weiner has gone on to say that he will continue in his campaign to run for mayor of New York City.

READ MORE: Rep. Anthony Weiner Resigns

Of these setbacks, days after Weiner admitted to providing inappropriate messages and photos to women online, his campaign manager, Danny Kedam, resigned from his position.

From CNN

“Weiner first acknowledged on Tuesday that he did not stop sending raunchy online chats to women when he left Congress in 2011. That resignation was prompted by allegations from several women that Weiner had sent them lewd photographs of himself. ting hurt Clinton?

Speaking at a news conference Thursday, the Democrat said he couldn't say for sure how many more women might come forward.

"There are a few. I don't have a specific number for you," Weiner said.

Pressed to provide a guess as to how many online relationships occurred after his resignation, Weiner said, "I don't believe I had any more than three."

Weiner has continued to argue against calls for him to withdraw from his campaign, claiming that whether or not he should be considered trustworthy should be left in the hands of the voters.

Christine Quinn of the City Council spoke criticism that Weiner has disqualified himself at this point. 

"Has he disqualified himself? Yes, he disqualified himself but not just because of these scandals," Quinn said. "He didn't have the qualifications when he was in Congress."

He also spoke on Friday that after a point, he may no longer talk about his online relationships to the public.


Reach Executive Producer Eric Parra here.



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