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Sigur Ros Gets Elemental On New Album 'Kveikur'

Elizabeth Cutbirth |
June 20, 2013 | 11:22 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

The band's seventh album explores new sonic territory. (via Wikimedia)
The band's seventh album explores new sonic territory. (via Wikimedia)
On June 18, 2013 in North America, the Icelandic rock band, Sigur Ros, released their new album “Kveikur,” which translates to “candlewick.”

Fueled with fiery and explosive rhythms, Kveikur departs from previous albums with its epic movements and climactic sounds. 

One can imagine Sigur Ros’ Icelandic country when listening to their music. Some of the song titles translate to “sulfur,” “obsidian,” and “strong wind” and the music reflects the titles with elemental sounds and earthy tones. 
The music immediately transports the audience to Iceland’s barren stretches of mossy land, crunching ice, uninhabitable, jagged mountains, arctic ocean, and glaciers.
The album ignites with a dark opening song titled “Brennisteinn, which translates to “sulfur.” The juxtaposition of the raw, and jarring bass and the heavenly vocals of lead singer Jónsi Birgisson create an edgy atmosphere with dark and stormy imagery.  
The extremes of nature are also present in the album. Nature is both peaceful and violent and the album is similar to nature with aggressive songs like “Brennisteinn” that contrast with composed, somber, and instrumental songs like "Var."
“Kveikur” explores both grand and tumultuous moments along with the still and peaceful. The emotive music ignites the imagination and curiosity with the celestial vocals, energetic sounds, and moods. 
Sigur Ros explores the relationship of people to their environment. Their music takes you on a journey through their imaginative soundscapes of electric, dark storms, gritty terrain, howling winds, uninhabitable icebergs, flowing lava, and isolated fields.
Birgisson’s ethereal vocals are powerful in “Kveikur” along with the rich, layered mixture of strings, brass, percussion, bowed guitars, and more. Whether you desire imaginative and textured music, soundscapes, or simply inspiration, “Kveikur” will satisfy with its colorful palette of songs. 
Read more of NT's album reviews here.
Reach Staff Reporter Elizabeth Cutbirth here.



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