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Shooter Detained At Santa Monica College, Campus On Lockdown

Brianna Sacks |
June 7, 2013 | 1:02 p.m. PDT


Three people were wounded at Santa Monica College Friday afternoon after an active shooter reportedly entered the campus and fired multiple shots near the school's library and on nearby streets, according to authorities.

It is still unclear where on the campus shots were fired, though witnesses say they heard shots in the library.

A second shooting was reported a few blocks away from the campus on 21st street, though authorities are still unclear about how many shots were fired and exactly where they took place.

The victims were shot inside a car either on campus or nearby.

Witnesses told NBC News that  a "fully armed" subject was discharging a firearm at vehicles in the area. The gunman opened fire on cars and a bus, according to CHP Sgt. Denise Joslin.

The suspect was found in the school's library and taken into custody. The extent of the injuries were not immediately known, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Santa Monica Police reported that one person, possibly the shooter, was shot and transported to an area hospital.

Other schools in the area are also on lockdown, including Roosevelt Elementary and John Adams Elementary.


We will be updating this story as new information is released.


Reach editor-in-chief Brianna Sacks here



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