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Sarah Palin Mentions Leaving GOP

Eric Parra |
June 30, 2013 | 10:57 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Palin is notorious for her attempts at making a splash in the political world (creative commons)
Palin is notorious for her attempts at making a splash in the political world (creative commons)
Former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican Presidential running mate, Sarah Palin, made hints at leaving the GOP on Saturday.

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Palin was in an interviewing process and answering questions from America News HQ’s twitter feed, one specifically from a Fox News Channel viewer. The question mentioned the possibility of her and conservative talker Mark Levin leaving the Republican Party for a newly established political party, the “Freedom Party.”

From Daily Caller

“I love the name of that party — the ‘Freedom Party,’” Palin said. “And if the GOP continues to back away from the planks in our platform, from the principles that built this party of Lincoln and Reagan, then yeah, more and more of us are going to start saying, ‘You know, what’s wrong with being independent,’ kind of with that libertarian streak that much of us have. In other words, we want government to back off and not infringe upon our rights. I think there will be a lot of us who start saying ‘GOP, if you abandon us, we have nowhere else to go except to become more independent and not enlisted in a one or the other private majority parties that rule in our nation, either a Democrat or a Republican.’ Remember these are private parties, and you know, no one forces us to be enlisted in either party.”

According to MSN, Palin is threatening the Republican Party for their abandonment on "principles that built this party of Lincoln and Reagan."


Reach Executive Producer Eric Parra here.



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