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Neon Tommy - Annenberg digital news

Prison Population In CA On The Rise Again

Lauren Madow |
June 18, 2013 | 4:20 p.m. PDT

Deputy Editor

Some CA prisons are so crowded that inmates sleep in the gym (CDCR, Wikimedia Commons)
Some CA prisons are so crowded that inmates sleep in the gym (CDCR, Wikimedia Commons)
Overcrowding in California's prisons is once again getting worse.

The state's mandated monthly progress report on reducing prison overcrowding revealed that facilities are now at 150% capacity, the Los Angeles Times reported. Three of the state's 33 prisons are at 175% capacity.

California has been in a a state of emergency, proclaimed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2006. Since that time, California prisons have been under federal oversight.

<In January, current Governor Jerry Brown issued a proclamation declaring that overcrowding had been reduced enough that California should retake control of its prisons, and that the state of emergency would be terminated effective July 31, 2013. 

Brown had reduced the state's prison population by shifting inmates from prisons to county jails in a process called "realignment."

Read more about California's prison system at the Nation.

Read more Neon Tommy coverage of prisons.

Reach Deputy Editor Lauren Madow here. Follow her here.



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