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Obama Visits Oklahoma To See Tornado Wreckage

Eric Parra |
May 26, 2013 | 10:03 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

A tornado passing through Oklahoma City (wikimedia)
A tornado passing through Oklahoma City (wikimedia)
After the multiple devastations of the tornado strikes in Oklahoma, President Obama is traveling to see and weigh the wreckage, first-hand.

READ MORE: Tornado Hits Oklahoma City 

Obama will visit Moore, Oklahoma, a town with an estimated 12,000 homes damaged and around 24 deaths from a single large tornado. This was after an estimated 51 deaths were counted for in an Oklahoma City tornado strike, presumably mistaken through double-counted deaths.


“In the hours right after the storm, many more people had been feared dead. At one point, the Oklahoma state medical examiner's office said the toll could rise as high as 91, but on Tuesday officials said 24 bodies had been recovered, down from a previous tally of 51.”

The event was classified by Obama as a major disaster, warranting his visit to the state. With the tornado being an EF-5 on the Fujita scale, “rated as the most powerful on the five-step scale used to measure the destructive power of twisters, it ripped a 17-mile (27-km) long corridor of destruction through the suburb of Oklahoma City, flattening entire blocks of homes, two schools and a hospital in some 50 minutes on May 20.”  

The damage is estimated to cost $2 billion to $5 billion in insured losses.


Reach Executive Producer Eric Parra here.



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