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Compton School District Sued For Alleged Racial Profiling And Abuse

Lauren Madow |
May 14, 2013 | 5:38 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

The Compton school district faces a federal lawsuit (Bahn Mi)
The Compton school district faces a federal lawsuit (Bahn Mi)
A group of three parents, one student, and one witness have sued the Compton Unified School District for "a pattern of abuse and racial profiling of Latinos by school police," the Los Angeles Times reported.

Allegations by families involved in the federal lawsuit include:

  • School police officers' successful attempt to deport the father of a student when the father filed a complaint against an officer 
  • Officers beating a witness who captured a student's arrest on his iPod
  • Officers' use of "excessive force" against students
  • The Compton Unified School District's underfunding of English as a Second Language programs
Compton, a city southeast of downtown Los Angeles, has undergone major demographic shifts in recent years. Once predominantly black, the city is now roughly two-thirds Latino. 
A 2010 lawsuit, settled in June 2012, found in favor of two plaintiffs who claimed that Compton City Council voting districts gave disproportionately underrepresented Latino voters. Lines were redrawn according to 2010 census findings.
Reach Executive Producer Lauren Madow here. Follow her here.



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