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Boston Bombing Suspect Buried At Undisclosed Location

Salomon Fuentes |
May 9, 2013 | 9:08 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev (Wikipedia Commons)
Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev (Wikipedia Commons)
The body of Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was buried at an undisclosed location outside of Massachusetts, police officials announced Thursday morning.

Tsarnaev's body had been kept inside Worcestor, Mass. while officials checked with Tsarnaev's family for an appropriate location for his burial. 

"As a result of our public appeal for help, a courageous and compassionate individual came forward to provide the assistance needed to properly bury the deceased," Worcester police said on Thursday through a released statement.

The onus of the final approval for the burial location was on Ruslan Tsarni, Tsarnaev's uncle, who has become the de facto family spokeperson in the aftermath of the terrorist attack. 

In accordance with Islamic law, Tsarnaev was given Muslim burial rites before he was "entombed." Precedent for handling the remains of suspected or known terrorists had been set in recent years, with Osama bin Laden being buried at sea in 2010 after he was killed.

Reach Executive Producer Salomon Fuentes here; Follow him on Twitter here.



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