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Angeles National Forest Fire, More Evacuated

Helene Imperiale |
May 31, 2013 | 12:17 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Screenshot from YouTube
Screenshot from YouTube
Friday at 5 a.m., homes along a one-mile stretch of San Francisquito Canyon Road were evacuated. Strong winds throughout the Angeles National Forest have caused the wildfire to spread.

The fire broke out around 4 p.m. on Thursday and now has burned over 1,400 acres near the Los Angeles Department of Water power station. 500 firefighters have been battling the Powerhouse fire using all means including aircraft to stop the fire from spreading. In addition to the LA County Fire Service, the U.S. Forrest Service is also battling the fire.

However, weather in the Los Angeles area for the weekend is only making matters worse. Temperatures will reach up to 96 degrees with winds blowing at about 45 mph. The National Weather Service has issued “hazardous weather outlook for valleys and mountains from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles because of heat and wind.”

According to Los Angeles County Fire Department inspector Anthony Akins, “Heat is going to be our big enemy.”

The Los Angeles Times has stated that as of Friday morning, the fire is only 15% contained.



Reach Executive Producer Helene Imperiale here. Follow her here.




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