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Two Women Wounded In Virginia Community College Shooting

Jeremy Fuster |
April 12, 2013 | 5:30 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer



Reuters reports that two women have been wounded in a shooting at a Virginia community college Friday afternoon. Police say the suspected shooter is in custody but would not confirm his identity.


The incident occurred inside a mall in Christiansburg, Virginia, a town located less than 10 miles away from Virginia Tech with a population of approximately 21,000. The mall holds a satellite campus for New River Community College. One of the victims was airlifted to a hospital, while the other was transported by ambulance. There is no update on their identities or condition.


The Wired blog Threat Level has published screenshots of posts from the 4Chan /b/ message board showing that the alleged shooter may have announced his attack minutes in advance. The post was written by a man who identified himself as a New River student named Neil Macinnis and described his shotgun and ammunition. The post has since been deleted.



"I'm gonna give y'all the details because the news never gets it right," he wrote. "I'm a bit nervous because I've never really handled a shotgun but a few times with the Christiansburg police." 


New River Community College cancelled all Saturday classes following the incident.





Reach Executive Producer Jeremy Fuster here or follow him on Twitter



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