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Top Twelve Awful Things People Said After the Bombing

Nandini Ruparel |
April 16, 2013 | 5:56 p.m. PDT

Assistant News Editor


After the Boston bombings, everyone took to social media to tout their own opinions. Unfortunately, it wasn't all appropriate--or okay. 

12. The article that tries to tell everyone what to feel










11. The man who thinks that becoming a fan of a Boston sports team for a day symbolizes support for such a horrific incident



*Edit: It was brought to my attention that this was a sincere tweet. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

10. This girl who thinks it was "so obvs" who the responsible party is

Can we wait for the real investigators to decide this?









9. Claiming that Family Guy predicted the incident with a 19 second, almost completely unrelated clip, Wayne Madsen

A cartoon character running people over with a car during a marathon is not the same as bombings, but people like to make comparisons.



8. Westboro Baptist Church, obviously 

Can you believe these guys? The only reason it's not higher on the list is because it's almost predictable that they were going to do this.












7. This guy who thinks that driving into boston during a terrorist attack is so goshdarn awful

Yeah, #BadLuck for you, definitely.

6. "This is what the Nazis did", Bill O'Reilly

Somehow it seems really sick to compare to awful tragedies to one another, especially ones so recent and fresh in people's minds.



5. These people, already trying to make money from the bombings

Couldn't we wait just a couple of days before we sell these out of respect?



4.  Referring to immigrants as "Animals", Anthony Bellifemine

There are many ways to treat immigrants, but calling them Animals and blaming them for the attacks--especially without a single ounce of proof--is really awful.


















3. Randomly blaming unknown Saudi immigrants, Erik Rush

And then--"Let's kill them all." I almost feel like that might create more problems.














2. Blaming Obama, Facebook user

When in doubt, blame Obama.


1. Making really terrible, sick puns about the incident just hours after it occurs, Facebook user




















You can reach Assistant News Editor Nandini Ruparel here.



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