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Sources: Obama To Pick Charlotte Mayor For Transportation Secretary

Danny Lee |
April 28, 2013 | 6:07 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

If approved, Mayor Anthony Foxx of Charlotte would be the first black Cabinet nominee of President Obama's second term. (US Department of Labor/Creative Commons)
If approved, Mayor Anthony Foxx of Charlotte would be the first black Cabinet nominee of President Obama's second term. (US Department of Labor/Creative Commons)
A White House official said that President Barack Obama will tap Anthony  Foxx, the mayor of Charlotte, N.C., to become his next transportation secretary, CNN reported.

If confirmed by the Senate, Foxx would replace Ray LaHood, who said in January that he would not return for a second term. Foxx, first elected mayor in 2009, helped lead last summer's Democratic National Convention in Charlotte.

Foxx will be the first African-American Cabinet nominee of Obama's second term. The initial Cabinet picks of the president's second term -- Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Treasury Secretay Jack Lew -- were all white men, which led to criticism of the lack of diversity in the selections.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is the only African-American to lead a Cabinet agency. Earlier this month, Foxx announced he wouldn't run for re-election in the Queen City.


Read the full story at CNN.

Reach Executive Producer Danny Lee here; follow him here.



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