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The Post Thrones Podcast: 'Valar Dohaeris'

Michael Chasin |
April 3, 2013 | 2:38 p.m. PDT


Take the black, bend the knee, and listen now for all our throughts on the Game of Thrones premiere.
Take the black, bend the knee, and listen now for all our throughts on the Game of Thrones premiere.
The Post Credits crew is most pleased to announce a new podcasting endeavor for your listening delight. After each new episode of Game of Thrones, the regular cast will be joined by Song of Ice and Fire super-fan Emily and maybe one or two other Iron Throne devotees to discuss what's been going on in Westeros.

No worries if you're not a viewer, these reviews are in addition to—not in place of—our regular content.

And although Michael and Emily have read all the books, we won't actually spoil anything beyond the newest episode.

So without further ado, this week we talk about the third season premiere "Valar Dohaeris." How does Jon Snow hold up in his meeting with the King Beyond the Wall? What's Tyrion to do in the aftermath of the Blackwater? What trials await Dany and her followers in Slaver's Bay?

All this and much more on the first Post Thrones episode of the Post Credits Podcast.

For more Post Credits goodness, find all the back episodes here, like us on Facebook, rate, review and subscribe on iTunes, and email postcredits@gmail.com if you want to know where we've taken your dragons.

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