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Popup Bookshops Offer Special Deals To Shoppers At Book Festival

Melissah Yang |
April 22, 2013 | 1:19 a.m. PDT

Senior Arts Editor

Comics aren't as outdated as they seem, obvious through some covers at HiDeHo Comics. (Melissah Yang/Neon Tommy).
Comics aren't as outdated as they seem, obvious through some covers at HiDeHo Comics. (Melissah Yang/Neon Tommy).
While some attendees came to the L.A. Times Festival of Books to listen to their favorite writers in air-conditioned auditoriums, bargain-savvy shoppers braved the heat to hop from one popup bookshop to the next, looking for something special within the maze of white tents.

A few stops for this reader: 

$10.00 Bookstore

Although there were a few other bookstores that boasted cheaper prices, the $10.00 Bookstore based in Northridge saw a lot of traffic from its prime location near the USC stage. Its organized shelves made it easy to quickly browse discounted cookbooks, coffee table toppers, SAT prep books and children's books. 

HiDeHo Comics

Shoppers filled HiDeHo Comics' white tent while Superman, Batman and Spiderman watched from their covers, waiting for an eager hand to pick them up. Workers quickly restocked tables with fresh 20-pack comic stacks priced at $5.95. With only the front and back issues visible, shoppers of all ages flipped over the variety packs, hoping the unseen comic books would be just as good as the outside ones. 

Bookbid Rare Books

Signed books started at $40 and went up well into the hundreds. Special autographed works were kept inside a glass case where book enthusiasts gawked at seeing signatures from Bill Clinton, Ray Bradbury and more. While most works were out of the price range of the average shopper, it was great to just pick up a book, open the front cover and see a familiar scrawled name inside. 

Reach Senior Arts Editor Melissah Yang here. Follow her on Twitter @MelissahYang.

For more coverage of the Festival of Books, click here.



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