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NYC Lawmakers Arrested In Election Scandal

Kiran Kazalbash |
April 2, 2013 | 11:32 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Two New York lawmakers were arrested Tuesday for an alleged corruption plot to rig the 2013 New York City mayoral race. New York State Democratic Sen. Malcolm Smith and City Councilman Dan Halloran along with four other politicians have been accused of organizing bribes in order to get Sen. Smith onto the Republican ticket. 

Sen. Malcolm Smith arrested for bribery plot in NYC Mayoral Race. (Creative Commons)
Sen. Malcolm Smith arrested for bribery plot in NYC Mayoral Race. (Creative Commons)

The FBI, who went undercover to reveal the extortion, said they also arrested Queens County Republican Party Chairman, Vincent Tabone, Bronx Republican Chairman, Joseph Savino, Mayor of Sping Valley N.Y., Noramie Jasmin and her deputy mayor, Joseph Desmaret.

According to the New York Times, Smith enlisted the help of Halloran to bribe other republicans in order to get the majority of the city’s approval needed to be listed on the ballot as a republican.

A compliant told the FBI that the scheme took place in a number of meetings around the city where money was exchanged in parked cars, hotels and restaurants.

Prosecutors have charged Smith with conspiracy to bribe, wire fraud and extortion. Tabone, Savino and Halloran have been charged with conspiracy and wire fraud. Jasmin and Desmaret have been charged with mail fraud according to USA Today.


Related Coverage:

The New York Times

USA Today

Wall Street Journal



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