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Nelson Mandela Released From Hospital

Danielle Tarasiuk |
April 6, 2013 | 10:55 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer


(Nelson Mandela/ Wiki Commons)
(Nelson Mandela/ Wiki Commons)
Nelson Mandela, 94, who was the first black president of South Africa and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, was released from the hospital Saturday after being treated for pneumonia.

Mandela was hospitalized for 10 days and will continue to receive treatment at his Johannesburg home. 

"(He) has been discharged from hospital today ... following a sustained and gradual improvement in his general condition," Reuters reported that the South African presidency said in a statement.

Mandela’s respiratory health problems first developed when he caught tuberculosis as a political prisoner. He was held prisoner for 27 years on Robben Island and other jails for attempting to over throw South Africa’s all white-minority government. 



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