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L.A. Times Festival Of Books 2013: Day One

Kristin Yinger |
April 20, 2013 | 11:27 p.m. PDT

Senior Arts Editor

Whether or not you attended Saturday, day one of the L.A. Times Festival of Books was a lively and interesting day filled with authors, readings, laughs, music and some surprises. From Lemony Snicket running and jumping off stage as the finale of his presentation at the Target Children's Stage, to tantalizing cooking demos by Susan Feniger and Melissa d'Arabian, to stories from entertainment legends Debbie Reynolds and Carol Burnett--day one was memorable. Here is the day shown in photographs. 

The Festival resumes Sunday with Day Two at the University of Southern California. 

All photographs taken by Kristin Yinger and Judy Wang, Neon Tommy. 

Reach Senior Arts Editor Kristin here. Or follow her on Twitter for more festival updates at @kying7

For more coverage of the Festival of Books, click here!



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