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L.A. Times Festival of Books: An Interview With Author Mark Frost

Candice Aman |
April 21, 2013 | 3:03 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

(Mark Frost/ L.A. Times Festival of Books)
(Mark Frost/ L.A. Times Festival of Books)

Mark Frost’s latest literary endeavor might be on the cusp of becoming the next great young adult series.

The writer turned director/producer, who has just completed the sequel to his supernatural thriller, “The Paladin Prophecy,” has already signed a deal to pen the screenplay for the anticipated movie adaptation.

During a young adult fiction panel at the L.A. Times Festival of Books on Saturday, Frost kept the air of suspense thick when he read an excerpt of his novel—in a heavy Bostonian accent, no less—to a packed audience basking in the midday heat.

“[Paladin Prophecy] really started when my then 7-year old son came up and told me: ‘Dad, how come you don’t write anything for me to read?’” Frost said when asked about the inspiration behind the book. “[I’ve collected] odds-and-ends, bits-and-pieces… something started to come together as I started to think about it and before you know it, I was writing a book.”

Following in the blazing trail of blockbuster series like Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and yes...even Twilight, Frost’s suspenseful new read recounts the extraordinary events that engulfs the life of a not-so-average teenage boy. With a storyline filled to the brim with conspiracy theories, twists, and heart-pounding action, it is no wonder why Frost, who is most widely known for co-creating the seminal cult television series, Twin Peaks, is well on his way of becoming the next household name for this literary genre.

“It’s proving to be something that kids are responding to,” Frost said. “This is something that can a long-life and for a writer, that’s really exciting.

To listen to the entire interview including Frost's thoughts on starting his career at an early age, writing on deadline and Twin Peaks, check out the podcast below.

Reach Candice Aman here. Follow her on Twitter.

For more coverage of the Festival of Books, click here!

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