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Kerry Calls for North Korea to Resume Disarmament Talks

Kiran Kazalbash |
April 14, 2013 | 10:03 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

US Secretary of State John Kerry reached out to North Korea Sunday in an effort to continue talks of nuclear disarmament.  Kerry along with Japanese foreign minister, Fumio Kishida, called for a resolution in the wake of North Korea’s threat to test launch a missile, which could hit Japan and U.S. bases in the pacific.

 John Kerry talks about nuclear tensions with North Korea during his trip to Japan, Sunday. (Creative Commons)
John Kerry talks about nuclear tensions with North Korea during his trip to Japan, Sunday. (Creative Commons)

The Associated Press reports that North Korea rejected South Korea’s proposal Sunday to resolve tensions by negotiating. North Korea called the move a “crafty trick.”

SEE ALSO: North Korea and China Get Warning and Hope for Diplomacy

Kerry, who has been on a tour of Asia the past week said the region needed to “come to the table in a responsible way” to resolve the issue.

SEE ALSO: Pentagon Confirms North Korea Has Nuclear Weapon Capacity

According to Fox News Kerry said, “I'm not going to be so stuck in the mud that an opportunity to actually get something done is flagrantly wasted because of a kind of predetermined stubbornness."

SEE ALSO: North Korea Moves Missile Into Firing Position

A threat of a nuclear missile launch has become even more worrisome, according to the BBC, as Monday will mark the North Korean birth anniversary for the country’s founder Kim Il-sung.

See more coverage on North Korean Nuclean Tensions here




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