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Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Leaking Contaminated Water

Danielle Tarasiuk |
April 6, 2013 | 11:45 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer


(Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant/ Wiki Commons)
(Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant/ Wiki Commons)
Over two years after Japan’s devastating tsunami that crippled the Fukushima nuclear power plant, more nuclear waste might be spewing out. 

The Tokyo Electric Power Co. said on Saturday that about 120 tons of radioactive water might have leaked from a Fukushima storage tank and possibly contaminating the surrounding ground.

In a press briefing, company spokesman Masayuki Ono said that the cause of the leak is still unknown. The company also plans to move the 13,000 cubic meters of water from the damaged tank to another container. 

According to a Kyodo news wire that cited unnamed officials from the nuclear plant, the contaminated water is not expected to reach the coast. 

Read the full story here. 


Email Danielle Tarasiuk here or follow her on Twitter. 



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