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This Week’s Must Listen Playlist: A Little Spring Break Pick Me Up

Jillian Morabito |
March 17, 2013 | 3:40 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Every other week, Staff Reporter Jillian Morabito showcases some of the tunes you should be tuning in to. Here are her picks for your new Must Listen Playlist:

With hundreds of songs released every week, here are a few new ones to add to your repertoire. So whether you’re driving on the PCH or getting ready for a night out with your amigos, make sure to check out these tracks!

 “Argonauts” by The Little Ones

Straight out of our very own City of Angels, the Little Ones released their infectious indie pop CD “The Dawn Sang Along” last month. The album is drawing comparison to hit bands such as the Shins and the Kinks. Let me warn you: listen to this song before it becomes the next "that one indie song radio stations won't stop playing until your ears bleed."

In all seriousness though, you can’t not listen to this song without a smile and/or some impending awkward dance moves; simply, it will serve as an instant pick-me-up. It was almost as if The Little Ones wrote this knowing it would be perfect for a drive to the beach so be sure to play this while soaking up the sun. 

“3AM” by Kate Nash

“How did it get to 3 AM?” This opening line usually comes across a college student’s mind during an arduous night at Leavey or possibly while taking a casual stroll to Tro-Gro for those late night “munchies.” However, Kate Nash uses this time to denote her unraveling relationship.

First off, the music video is perfection. Her bedroom is like if Moulin Rouge had a Pinterest. Secondly, does anyone else think adorable Kate can do much better? Hopefully he has a great personality. Lastly, this lyrics are so irresistibly sweet and the beat is as memorable as it gets that this song definitely deserves recognition.

“If So” by Atlas Genius

It was very hard for me to choose one spring break song by Atlas Genius, but I eventually decided upon “If So” because the simple, yet infectious, lyrics get stuck in your head quite easily. The song is also going to be featured on the upcoming FIFA for all you video game fanatics.

After interviewing the lead singer last week, the band's new album has been on repeat and I encourage you to listen to it. The video below is the acoustic version, which is a nice balance between the one on the album.

“Holy Roller” by Thao & the Get Down Stay Down

This song was not selected due to the election of a new Pope, although the title is quite fitting. The opening banjo chord soon morphs into a catchy alt-pop song which is perfect for any spring playlist.

Lead singer, Thao’s, sultry voice echoes acts such as Fiona Apple and Regina Spektor. The song reflects a relationship as tumultuous as Lindsey Lohan’s career; even after all the strife, Thao says, “But I want love in the aftermath.”

“Happy Pills” by Norah Jones

For this week’s throwback, it seemed only appropriate to choose a stellar car jam. This is by far one of the happiest breakup songs in recent years (“With you gone, I’m alive. Makes me feel like I took happy pills”). How can you watch this music video and not utter “You go girl?” Well, except for the whole murder part.

Growing up, Jones was always the innocent, piano-playing mastermind; this girl’s morphed into a strong, independent woman making any type of music she wants. If you can pull yourself away from Netflix this spring break, I urge you to drive with the windows down to this song during sunset with a couple of good friends in the car. Am I the only one who has done this? Maybe. 

Reach Staff Reporter Jillian Morabito here.



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