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Trina Turk Opens Up About Her California Design Inspirations, Mr. Turk And Instagram

Lindsey Caldwell |
March 4, 2013 | 3:28 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

(Lindsey Caldwell/Neon Tommy)
(Lindsey Caldwell/Neon Tommy)

Sitting down with designer Trina Turk felt like I was sitting down with a wise long-time friend. She was poised, comfortable, and so refreshingly confident in her own skin. Her designs seem to boast the same cool air and boldness, taking nods from the 60’s and 70’s with some California flair.

Trina had just finished talking with the 'Professional Women United Group' about business, fashion, and entrepreneurship. We plopped down in two chairs in the middle of her Newport store, and began conversing about everything from expanding her designs and brand to our shared addiction to Instagram and how she met a customer through the social media platform. Trina began her company 18 years ago, and has truly been a pioneer in the fashion industry.

Trina is not only expanding her own line, but she’s also bringing in a whole new market of customers. When I asked who Trina designs for she said,

“Our customer is optimistic, she’s not afraid of color. She could be anywhere from 18-60. What I love is when I see Mom’s and daughters shopping together at our stores because I feel like that means we’ve got something for a really broad range of women.  She’s not really a wallflower, and I think most of the time she’s confident enough to wear something bold in color or in print and it doesn’t really dominate her. It’s like she wears it, and it doesn’t wear her.”

Her approach to design is rejuvenating and women appreciate the fact that the clothing makes a statement in a classy and sophisticated way.

Lindsey Interviews Trina Turk (Lindsey Caldwell/Neon Tommy)
Lindsey Interviews Trina Turk (Lindsey Caldwell/Neon Tommy)
Women won’t be the only ones benefitting from Trina’s keen design eye for pattern, color and texture.

A menswear line has recently been created called Mr. Turk. Mr. Turk’s pieces are currently sold online as well as in store at Trina Turk boutiques.

“Men are shopping more, men are more interested in fashion, are wearing more color, and so those are all things that bode well for Mr. Turk.

So, we really just have to figure out not if we’re going to wholesale but when.”

Her husband is taking on a large part of the Mr. Turk label,  

“He’s actually designing it, he’s doing Mr. Turk. We met each other in design school. So, he knows a lot about fabric.”

Trina’s brand is so well thought out, concise, streamlined, and yet creative. It’s hard to believe she was once designing her pieces in a spare bedroom in Los Feliz 18 years ago, without a business plan. As far as design Trina’s inspired by Paul Smith, a British designer mainly known for his menswear, Trina said,

“He has a very specific look to what he does, and he’s remained true to it. He has stores all over the world, and I think he maintains a sort of control of his business even though most companies of his size have had investors or have been bought out. I think his brand is amazing, because of how defined his brand is.” 

As far as design inspirations, Trina says she’s inspired by the beauty that’s around her as well as California. If you haven’t seen her Instagram, @TrinaTurk, I suggest you follow her, and sneak a peek inside of what inspires her daily.

The beautiful California that inspires Turk's work (Lindsey Caldwell/Neon Tommy)
The beautiful California that inspires Turk's work (Lindsey Caldwell/Neon Tommy)
“I’m a very visual person, so it’s my medium. Twitter? No.  I am much better at expressing myself visually. So, I’m kind of addicted to Instagram to be honest with you. My husband is a photographer, so he started it originally. He does @MrTurk and I do @TrinaTurk, but we both have access to each other’s. So, sometimes we’ll post something on the others. But, pretty much at this point his is 95% him and mine is 95% me. It’s crazy because we’ve met people through it.

The weirdest thing that happened was, we were in Bali last summer, and there was this guy called @WheresBrentBeen, he’s Austrailian and a Travel Blogger. He had been in Palm Springs, had bought Mr. Turk shorts, and he started following Mr. Turk on Instagram.

So, we’re at this hotel in Bali, instagramming, and he’s sitting at the table right next to us. So, he comments on one of the pictures and said, ‘I believe I’m sitting at one of the tables right next to you.’ It was crazy! We ended up going out to lunch, and it was the craziest thing, because he’s from Australia, we’re from Los Angeles, and we met in Bali."

Trina’s Instagram feed features a plethora of new products, shoots, and travel excursions. The most popular photo she’s ever posted is a photo of locks on the Seine Bidge in Paris. Couples sign their initials on the lock and lock it to the bridge. I was baffled at the number of people that liked the photo and Trina remarked,

(Lindsey Caldwell/Neon Tommy)
(Lindsey Caldwell/Neon Tommy)
“I think it says people are romantics at heart.”

As far as her favorite Instagram filter she recommends,

“Valencia because it lends a warm glow to any photo. My whole thing is California, and I feel like it makes things look ‘Californian’, because it adds a warmth to things.”

It is evident that Trina is talented, and her success has come from great experience, hard work, and entrepreneurial wit. When I asked if she had a favorite quote or mantra, her answer was pretty phenomenal.  

“My motto is to not take myself too seriously, because I think there are plenty of people in the fashion industry who take themselves way to seriously.

I think there is a light heartedness to the clothing we create, and I think it’s because we don’t take ourselves too seriously. I think our customers feel that, and we’re not dictatorial or on a high horse, which I think is something that happens in our industry.”

After concluding the interview, I felt Trina’s journey, story, and interview taught me a few life lessons. First, work for a brand, or somewhere where you can grow, and learn from others who can teach and mentor you. Secondly, trust your gut, lean into your intuition, and don’t listen to the noise. Finally, you just have to take a risk, dive in, and work diligently towards your goals. Trina’s brand and story are a testament to living with boldness in the chicest way possible. 

Reach Staff Reporter Lindsey Caldwell Here.

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