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'The Call' Is A Gripping Psychological Thriller

Rebecca Sai |
March 11, 2013 | 12:46 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Halle Berry stars in "The Call" (Sony Pictures)
Halle Berry stars in "The Call" (Sony Pictures)
Giving us a rare look into the lives of 911 operators, “The Call” is not only a movie that is entertaining to watch, but also impressively realistic. An action-packed thriller, the film - in theaters Friday - will have you transfixed.

The film stars Halle Berry, Abigail Breslin, and Morris Chesnut. One of the most exciting stars to see back on the screen was Breslin.  We saw her transform right in front of our eyes from pint-sized Olive in “Little Miss Sunshine” to a grown, mature young woman.  

The movie tells the story of Casey Welson (Breslin) who is abducted in the parking lot of a local mall. After being knocked unconscious and waking up in the trunk of a car, she quickly realizes that her life is in immediate danger. Her only chance of survival is a 911 call with veteran operator Jordan Turner (Berry).

The film is overwhelmingly clever, and even gives the viewer life lessons pertaining to abduction. When you are abducted, what are cunning ways to escape? "The Call" is oozing with knowledge and understanding.

When you can leave a movie feeling both wowed and informed, you know you've just seen a hit film. And ladies and gentlemen, “The Call,” is a hit.

Aside from its teaching capabilities, the movie is by far one of the most nail-biting, nerve-wracking films of the year. Initially, the film threatens to become predictable, but it soon takes a turn for the better and emerges as a gripping phsycological thriller. But be prepared; the film is rated R and it is not for the squeamish.

Berry portrays her character flawlessly (no surprise there). We are given an up close and personal look at her life as a 911 operator and become emotionally invested in her story. She shows the true heroism of 911 operators, too often overlooked in society. 

Breslin delivered an amazing performance as well, fully embodying the character of an abducted teen girl in a struggle to do anything to save her life. Every scream, every fight, and every tear was believable. Breslin captured the hearts of viewers as we strived for her to complete her journey to safety as if it were our own.

A movie with exemplary acting, a unique story line, and gut-wrenching twists, “The Call” is a definite must see.

Reach Staff Reporter Rebecca Sai here.



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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