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Police Looking For Suspects In Northridge Girl Abduction

Max Meyer |
March 28, 2013 | 3:08 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer


LAPD is still looking for clues regarding the suspects who abducted 10-year-old Nicole Ryan. (Shay Sowden, Creative Commons)
LAPD is still looking for clues regarding the suspects who abducted 10-year-old Nicole Ryan. (Shay Sowden, Creative Commons)
The Los Angeles Police Department and the FBI are working on finding the two suspects who kidnapped a 10-year-old girl from her home in Northridge. Additionally, LAPD Commander Andrew Smith stated that the girl was driven to several locations, and was held at a home and storage facility while she was in captivity. Law enforcement also confirmed that the girl was sexually assaulted

Nicole Ryan was declared missing after her mother heard a noise in the house and noticed her daughter was not in her bed on Wednesday morning at 3:40 a.m. Ryan was found around 3 p.m., as she was spotted walking around shoeless in a Woodland Hills strip mall, about six miles away from her house. It's unknown who dropped her off at that location.

Ryan did not know the men, but she described one of the suspects as being an 18-year-old Caucasian male. She also described the vehicle she was in. LAPD already has one vehicle in custody, and is still looking for a second one

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"We believe she was transported in several different vehicles. One of the vehicles she described was a black pickup truck," said Commander Smith. "We have a black pickup truck. We're processing that vehicle right now. We can't say definitively if it was the vehicle that was involved, but we're looking at it right now."

However, the girl wasn't able to provide other additional information to law enforcement because she was still traumatized. If anyone knows anything about this investigation, they are urged to contact LAPD's Robbery Homicide Division TIP line at (213)-486-6890. 

Reach Executive Producer Max Meyer by email, or follow him on Twitter.



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