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NYPD Searching for Suspect in Hit and Run Killing of Parents and Child

Jacqueline Jackson |
March 4, 2013 | 3:54 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

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On Sunday two expecting parents, Raizy Glauber and Nathan Glauber, were killed in a hit-and-run crash. Their unborn child was delivered by Cesarean section and died early Monday morning. The Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn, New York in which they lived gathered by the hundreds on Monday to mourn the loss of life.

Raizy Glauber, an expectant mother, wasn't feeling well and the couple were in route to the hospital at the moment of the crash.  A BMW, which according to The Chron was driving 60MPH and struck the couple in a Taxi as they were in route to the hospital.

Immediately after the crash the two passengers of the BMW fled on foot. As the community of Brooklyn mourns the loss of the young couple and their child the NYPD is searching for leads on the whereabouts of the BMW passengers. On Monday NYPD spokesman Paul Browne told USA Today that police are looking for Julio Acevedo who was arrested on a DWI only one month before the accident.

The Orthodox Jewish Community is planning a burial for the child following religious traditions. Although separate from the investigation the community spokesman Issac Abraham wants to see the driver and passenger charged with all three murders.

WATCH: Fox News Report on the Crash & The Memorial Service

Reach Executive Producer Jacqueline Jackson here.



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