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NRA Blasted For Making Robocalls To Newtown Residents

Brianna Sacks |
March 25, 2013 | 11:50 p.m. PDT


(NRA Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre; Gage Skidmore)
(NRA Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre; Gage Skidmore)
Two Connecticut senators declared that the National Rifle Association has “stooped to a new low” in making robocalls to residents in Newtown.

In a letter to the NRA released Monday, Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy argued that the organization’s robocalls asking Newtown residents to oppose gun control proposals, which reportedly began last week, should be stopped immediately.

"We call on you to immediately stop calling the families and friends of the victims in Newtown," the letter read.

The calls urge residents to stand against state legislation to pass stricter gun laws, specifically a more expansive assault weapons ban and a 10-round limit for magazines, CNN reported.

                   MORE: Assault Weapons Ban Provokes NRA Reaction

CNN asked the NRA for a recording of the call, but the NRA declined but issued the following statement defending the calls:

"The National Rifle Association has members, contributors, and supporters in Connecticut who expect us to do our jobs and keep them abreast of developments on the legislative front in their state," Andrew Arulanandam, the NRA's director of public affairs, said in a statement about the calls. "We provide the same service for our members and supporters all around the country."

The call is described as an “urgent legislative alert” and targets lawmakers pushing for stronger gun control laws, or as the recorded call says, “passing legislation restricting your gun rights.”

The NRA is also sending out postcards with similar messages, released while Connecticut lawmakers take up the issue of gun restrictions.

      MORE:  Assault Weapons Ban Out Of Senate Gun Bill

The chief executive of the NRA said Sunday that his organization would also lead a national campaign against New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who supports pending federal legislation to adopt stricter gun controls, according to the Boston Globe.

Bloomberg will be running a national advertising campaign that launched Monday in 13 key states debating gun control legislation. NRA Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre said the NRA would be countering such efforts, perhaps with calls and pamphlets similar to those received in Newtown.

The U.S. Senate is scheduled to begin looking at comprehensive gun control legislation next month three months after the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. It is the first time in years such a major gun control plan will be discussed in Congress.

Read the whole story at CBS News.

Read more of Neon Tommy's coverage on gun control.

Reach Editor-At-Large Brianna Sacks here



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