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L.A. City Attorney's Race: Upbeat Trutanich Right Behind Feuer

Melissa Runnels |
March 5, 2013 | 10:09 p.m. PST


STUDIO CITY-- With initial numbers rolling in, the Trutanich campaign is feeling very upbeat. 

Despite being drubbed in the press for lackluster fundraising following his failed run for L.A. County District Attorney in 2012, city attorney Carmen Trutanich's numbers are putting smiles on the faces of candidate and campaign staffers alike. With approximately 128,000 votes counted - about one-third of total expected votes - Trutanich has garnered 34 percent, with former Assemblymember Mike Feuer leading at 41 percent.
Trutanich campaign press manager John Schwada said, "Given the fact that we've been smeared by the other campaigns, this is a very good number" for us.
Standing on a small stage in the back of Rocco's Pizza in Studio City, Trutanich gave a bouncy speech citing the positive results thus far.  The good mood was marred somewhat by his announcement that his 91-year-old mother had passed away this Saturday.  Still, the faces of his wife and kids, who surrounded him on the platform, showed upbeat grins.
Reach Melissa here.



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