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Lifelong Angeleno Stays Inside Party Lines

Mike Piellucci |
March 5, 2013 | 1:40 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

(Keith Ivey/Creative Commons).
(Keith Ivey/Creative Commons).
Self-proclaimed Democrat Tammy Black kept her choice for the March mayoral primary within party lines by voting for Councilwoman Jan Perry on Tuesday. The 28-year-old said her choice had as much to do with the person Perry is as much as her policies.

“She’s very trusting and relatable,” said Black.

Like many Californians, Black is concerned with the state’s economy and job growth; as of December, the state boasts the third-highest unemployment rate nationally. She said she believes that Perry is the woman who can turn that around, calling Perry “very economical.”

Those problems may affect Black, a clinical psychology student at Pepperdine University, more than others.

“Everything’s here,” she boasted of Los Angeles, but whether the jobs will be as well when she graduates from her program next year could very well depend on who succeeds outgoing Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

Black also voted for Democrats Mike Feuer for city attorney and Ron Galperin for city controller, each of whom garnered significant endorsements by party leaders in their races. Her choices were more varied in the Los Angeles Community College District races; Black voted for college legislator Mike Eng for Seat 2, retired college professor Ernest Moreno for Seat 4, and school board member David Vela for Seat 6 to fill the three vacancies.

Ultimately, though, Black was most passionate about her choice of Perry. Her involvement outside of City Hall is a major selling point for Black, a lifelong Angeleno who lives in the Culver City area.

“I like how she reaches out to the community."


Read more of Neon Tommy's coverage on the LA election here.

Reach Staff Reporter Mike Piellucci here. Follow him on Twitter here.



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