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Facebook Designs New 'Mobile-Inspired' Newsfeed

Cara Palmer |
March 7, 2013 | 4:10 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Facebook has once again redesigned its newsfeed. (Creative Commons)
Facebook has once again redesigned its newsfeed. (Creative Commons)
On Thursday, Facebook announced and introduced its redesign of the newsfeed. The new design "standardizes the feed across mobile devices and desktop computers, is designed to keep users active and interacting as well as appeal to advertisers," according to Reuters.

The new design has been called visually striking, and is geared toward ensuring that Facebook users will not be overwhelmed by the format of the feed. The changes include "a division into several sections, with separate areas for photographs and music," and "bigger pictures, 'curated' updates and a choice of optional feeds for users who want to focus on specific topics such as music, photos or just chronological posts from friends or businesses they have 'liked.'"

Zuckerberg said that he wanted the newsfeed to function like a "personalized newspaper."


Read more of Neon Tommy's coverage of Facebook here.

Reach Executive Producer Cara Palmer here; follow her here.



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