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Dorner Reward Money Claimed But Unpaid

Jacqueline Jackson |
March 25, 2013 | 5:22 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Christopher Dorner | Creative Commons
Christopher Dorner | Creative Commons

The manhunt for Christopher Dorner shocked the city of Los Angeles and the nation as the former LAPD officer went on a rampage in February.

The manhunt ended in Big Bear, CA where Dorner committed suicide as police officers surrounded him in a log cabin. Before the fiery end to Dorner's rampage the LAPD announced a $1-million dollar reward for information that led to the capture of Dorner. which two people connected to the final days events have filed claim for.

The claims have been made by a couple who was tied up as Dorner stole their car and also a man whose truck was later hijacked during the manhunt.

However, the LA Times reported Monday that these two claims and any others that may follow for the reward money may go without consideration. The groups who pledged money for the reward are reconsidering the offer. The members who are compiled of individuals from police unions to civic organizations feel that Dorner was not captured under the provisions they put forth to claim the reward and therefore should not be claimed.

For more information visit the LA Times here

Reach executive producer Jacqueline Jackson here



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