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Daily Hollywood – Heidi Klum Judges, Miley Goes Blue And More

Lilian Min |
March 4, 2013 | 2:17 a.m. PST

Music Editor

(Daily Hollywood/Neon Tommy)
(Daily Hollywood/Neon Tommy)
Alexis Bledel, fresh off her gig on “Mad Men,” is set to star in a new Fox comedy called “Friends & Family.” (Deadline)

More TV gigs for Heidi Klum? The supermodel’s reportedly getting a judging spot on “America’s Got Talent.” (EW)

Miley Cyrus dyed her hair blue because honestly, why not. (HuffPo Celeb)

Jamie Lynn Spears got engaged over the weekend. (Us Weekly)

Steven Spielberg’s taking on “Napoleon,” one of Stanley Kubrick’s abandoned scripts. (The Hollywood Reporter)

Reach Music Editor Lilian Min here. Follow her on Twitter here.




Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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